Dr. Eliana Nakano (Instituto Butantan São Paulo)
By searching for new compounds to schistosomiasis control, we aim to increase the current chemical arsenal available for this disease.

ISNTD Disease Brief: Female Genital Schistosomiasis & linkages with HIV
Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease caused by infection with flatworms. At least 200 million people annually are affected with or at...

Infectious Thoughts interview: Female Genital Schistosomiasis & linkages with HIV
Infectious Thoughts interview with Dr. Jutta Reinhard-Rupp (Head of the Merck Global Health Institute), Dr. Amadou Garba (World Health Organ

Infectious Thoughts interview: ISNTD Infectious Thoughts Interview on FGS & HIV
Pr. Alan Fenwick (Imperial College London) Dr. Jutta Reinhard-Rupp (Director Merck Global Health Institute) Young women and teenagers...

Dr. Fiona Allen (NHM) Monitoring Schistosomiasis transmission using snail intermediate hosts
Dr. Fiona Allen (Natural History Museum) Monitoring Schistosomiasis transmission using snail intermediate hosts

Dr. Bonnie Webster (Natural History Museum London): Molecular diagnostics for schistosomiasis
At ISNTD d³ 2017, Dr. Bonnie Webster from the Natural History Museum London speaks about recent research at the NHM to develop molecular dia

Infectious Thoughts Interview: Enwono Eyoh (University of Edinburgh)
Enwono Eyoh speaks to the ISNTD about current research at the University of Edinburgh's Parasite Immuno-epidemiology group on a vaccine

Claudia Cecalupo (Merck): Industry's contribution to corporate responsibility & global healt
At ISNTD Festival 2017, Claudia Cecalupo from Merck speaks about Merck's commitment to the control of NTDs and diseases of poverty, with

Enwono Eyoh (University of Edinburgh): Why don't we have a vaccine for schistosomiasis?
At ISNTD d³ 2017, Enwono Eyoh, member of the Parasite Immuno-Epidemiology group at the University of Edinburgh, speaks about current researc

David Urry (Natural History Museum): Parasites in Motion
At ISNTD Festival 2017, David Urry from the Natural History Museum London speaks about the museum's numerous events and initiatives to b