ISNTD Connect
A series of online short meetings to learn, share and stay connected
Launched during the COVID19 lockdown, when countless work places, universities, schools and public places worldwide had temporarily closed their doors and everything was a bit unknown, the ISNTD Connect series forged an international, online, professional and friendly network to continue knowledge-sharing, close some of the gaps left where ongoing research had been paused, and provide mutual support.
ISNTD Connect continues and is a forum and series of short meetings online, where researchers and professionals in the fields of tropical diseases and public health are able to present and discuss ongoing research and topics. These online meetings are open to all and free, and are scheduled to last from 30 minutes to 1h30, depending on the topics and speakers.
Please sign up to attend or speak! We are now calling for submissions of proposals for a short talk or panel discussion, focusing on all the major aspects of infectious and neglected tropical diseases, including basic science, diagnostics, therapeutics, drug discovery, WASH, vector control, science communication & public engagement, public health... and much more!
Let's break down barriers and keep the science community connected!

ISNTD meetings

Paving the way for sleeping sickness elimination
Updates on a Neglected Tropical Diseases success story
José-Antonio Ruiz-Postigo (Global Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) Programme, World Health Organization)
Philippe Neau (Fondation S, the Sanofi Collective)
Junior Matangila (Head of HAT, Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative)
Tuesday 28 January 2025 | 13.00-14.30 UTC
ISNTD past sessions

Celebrating the 100th ISNTD Connect!
Save the date for an informal catch-up and reflection of 100 ISNTD Connect sessions, as we wrap up 2024!
Wednesday 18th December 2024 | 14:00-14:45 UTC
Zoom meeting link:
Test & Treat strategies for schistosomiasis
On behalf of the Global Schistosomiasis Initiative:
Steffi Knopp, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Switzerland
Lydia Trippler, University of Glasgow, UK
Florence Wakesho, Ministry of Health, Kenya
Tuesday 10 December 2024 | REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

A Research and Development Blueprint for Neglected Tropical Diseases
Dr Anthony Solomon (Chief Scientist, Global Neglected Tropical Diseases Programme, World Health Organization)
Monday 2nd December 2024 | REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

World Antimicrobial Awareness Week
The urgent need for collaborative action to combat antimalarial drug resistance in Africa
Prof Karen I Barnes (Mitigating Antimalarial Resistance Consortium in SE-Africa, MARC SE Africa)
- Prof Marc Mendelson (University of Cape Town): Antimalarial Resistance, the blind spot in the global AMR Agenda
Dr Jaishree Raman (NICD): Post-COVID potential of Molecular Surveillance in the fight against Antimalarial Resistance
Dr Leah Moriarty (PARMA): Doing Therapeutic Efficacy Studies that inform policy and practice in Africa
- Prof Arjen Dondorp (AIGHD): Regional Initiatives for Fighting Antimalarial Resistance: Experience of from the GMS
Tuesday 19 November 2024 | REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Mainstreaming Prevention and Treatment of NTDs into Community-based Primary Health Care
Arielle Dolegui (Strategy Lead NTDs, Global Policy & Advocacy, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)
Chris Ostendorf (Head of Social Impact Development, Fred Hollows Foundation)
Irene Chami (Director of Programs, The END Fund)
Ida-Marie Ameda (Global Lead on NTDs and Malaria, UNICEF)
Thursday 31st October 2024 | REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

World Rabies Day 2024: Breaking Rabies Boundaries
Dr Terence Scott (Director of Programs, Global Alliance for Rabies Control, GARC) - Introducing the Breaking Rabies Boundaries theme of 2024 & progress and tools in real-time rabies data to support surveillance programs and research
Dr Madi Savadogo (Rabies Free Burkina Faso & Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé, Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique, Ouagadougou; Ministry of Agriculture Burkina Faso) - "The Rabies Free Burkina Faso initiative: an example of how one health-oriented civil society organizations can contribute towards the achievement of the rabies zero by 30 goal"
Dr Christèle Augard (Global Medical Product Lead, Sanofi) - "Vaccination: the cornerstone of rabies prevention in humans"
Dr Walter Muleya / Dr Misapa (University of Zambia) - "Rabies Realities: Navigating Barriers to Rabies Control in Rural Zambia - A Case Study of Manyinga and Mwansabombwe Districts"
Wednesday 25th September | REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE
Equitable Data Sharing and Collaboration in Global Health Research
Shanti Rochester, Data Governance Officer
Infectious Diseases Data Observatory (IDDO)
Tuesday 17th September | REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Understanding the role of gender in trichiasis case finding in Tanzania
Mrs. Elizabeth Kishiki, Childhood Blindness and Low Vision Coordinator, Kilimanjaro Centre for Community Ophthalmology
Dr. Fortunate Shija, Project Coordinator, Kilimanjaro Centre for Community Ophthalmology
Mrs. Grace Mwangi, Consultant, Kilimanjaro Centre for Community Ophthalmology
Dr. Robert Geneau, Executive Director, Kilimanjaro Centre for Community Ophthalmology
Friday 24th May 2024 | REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Take a Walk on the Lab Side
We discover the work and join the labs of:
Dr Miguel Angel Chávez Fumagalli (Head of the Computational Biology and Chemistry Research Group, Universidad Católica de Santa María, UCSM, Peru)
Bioinformatics applied in the development of drugs, diagnostics, and vaccines against Neglected Tropical Diseases
Dr Edward L. D'Antonio
Professor of Biochemistry & Structural Biology, Department of Natural Sciences, University of South Carolina Beaufort, USCB USA)
Novel compounds and scaffolds inhibiting important enzyme targets of pathogenic microorganisms
Thursday 16th May 2024 | REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Behaviour Change interventions for schistosomiasis elimination
On behalf of the Global Schistosomiasis Alliance:
Carlos Torres Vitolas (Senior Advisor for Research and Innovation, Unlimit Health)
Ulfat Amour Mohd (Assistant Qualitative Researcher, Public Health Laboratory-Ivo de Carneri)
Geordie Woods (Director for Behaviour/ WASH, Neglected Tropical Diseases, Sightsavers)
Thursday 25th April 2024 | REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Spotlight on noma: a Neglected Tropical Disease
Convened by ISNTD, Elysium Noma Survivors Association and Inediz
Valérie Elsig (Fondation Sentinelles)
Heron Gezahegn Gebretsadik (Associate Professor, EUCLID University)
Fidel Strub (Elysium Noma Survivors Association)
Dr Kingsley Asiedu (World Health Organization)
Dr Benoit Varenne (World Health Organization)
Thursday 18th April 2024 | REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE
Image credit: Inediz

Congenital Chagas Disease: where are the knowledge and research gaps?
Dr Marina Gold (Anthropologist & CEO Mundo Sano Foundation)
Elise Rapp (Nurse, Biologist, PhD-student in Social Sciences University of Lausanne and HESAV, HES-SO, Switzerland)
Thursday 11th April 2024 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

How increasingly public dengue data will transform research and control
Dr Oliver Brady (Associate Professor, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)
Dr Diana Rojas Alvarez (Technical Officer Arbovirus HQ/EZD, World Health Organization)
Dr Leo Bastos (Senior Researcher, Scientific Computing Program (PROCC), Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Brazil)
Thursday November 30th 2023 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Book panel: shining the spotlight on marginalised voices
The Kissing Bug: a True Story of a Family, an Insect and a Nation’s Neglected of a Deadly Disease
Daisy Hernández (Associate Professor at Northwestern University and author)
Race and Sociocultural Inclusion in Science Communication: Innovation, Decolonisation, and Transformation
Dr Elizabeth Rasekoala (African Gong, The Pan African Network for the Popularization of Science & Technology and Science Communication)
Thursday 16th November 2023, REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

A critical step towards active surveillance of neglected diseases: lessons from case detection in hard-to-reach communities
Dr Belen Dofitas (Department of Dermatology, University of the Philippines Manila - Philippine General Hospital)
How to find a forgotten disease like yaws: Lessons from the Philippine experience
Dr Adeniyi Semiyu Adetunji (Noma Children Hospital Sokoto, Nigeria)
The search for noma cases in the community
Dr Tine Huyse (Royal Museum for Central Africa, Belgium and ATRAP Project)
Snail detection and schistosomiasis
(tbc) Chagas disease and indigenous peoples
Tuesday 24th October 2023, REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

ISNTD Water 2023
Please join us for a day of discussions and presentations around updates in WASH for health, with a focus on neglected tropical diseases.
Thursday 19th October 2023, 10:30 - 16:00 UTC

Rabies, from grassroots to global goals: towards Zero by 30
Dr Frederic Lohr (Director of Strategic Partnerships, Mission Rabies)
Given Sam (Health Environmentalist, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences alumni)
Yona Yangaza (OneHealth Society, Tanzania)
Thursday 28th September 2023 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

ISNTD Café Connect: take a break and meet colleagues from around the world!
Please come and join the informal ISNTD Café Connect to meet, learn from and share with colleagues from around the world. This week, we will be taking a moment to remember Kamran Rafiq, ISNTD Co-founder and Communications Director, who sadly passed away suddenly in June 2023. We will also use this moment to build on Kamran's legacy and look to the year ahead, including some further details of the ISNTD Kamran Rafiq Science Communication Internship.
Thursday 21st September 2023, 15:30 UTC+1

Where are the samples? Biobanks for NTD research and development
On behalf of the Global Schistosomiasis Alliance:
Dr Aidan Emery (Research & Laboratory Manager, Natural History Museum, London)
Dr Sarah Nogaro (Principal Scientist Neglected Tropical Diseases, FIND)
Warren Fransman (Biobanking Lead, FIND)
Wednesday 28th June 2023 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Dengue: Sri Lanka in focus
Dr Jagath Amarasekera (Consultant Community Physician, National Dengue Control Unit, Ministry of Health Sri Lanka)
Dr Lahiru Kodituwakku (Disaster Management Focal Point Medical Officer, National Dengue
Control Unit, Ministry of Health Sri Lanka)
Prof Neelika Malavige (Head of Global Dengue Program, DNDi and Professor, Department of Immunology and Molecular Medicine, University of Sri Jayewardenepura)
Dr Dinu Guruge (Consultant for Dengue Global Program (DNDi), Regional Epidemiologist City of Colombo and Head of Epidemiology and Statistics Unit, Public Health Department Colombo Municipal Council)
Wednesday 24th May 2023 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE
ISNTD meetings

Understanding the role of gender in trichiasis case finding in Tanzania
Mrs. Elizabeth Kishiki, Childhood Blindness and Low Vision Coordinator, Kilimanjaro Centre for Community Ophthalmology
Dr. Fortunate Shija, Project Coordinator, Kilimanjaro Centre for Community Ophthalmology
Mrs. Grace Mwangi, Consultant, Kilimanjaro Centre for Community Ophthalmology
Dr. Robert Geneau, Executive Director, Kilimanjaro Centre for Community Ophthalmology
Friday 24th May 2024 | REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE
The Infectious Diseases Data Observatory: Equitable Data Sharing and Collaboration in Global Health Research
Shanti Rochester (Data Governance Officer; Infectious Diseases Data Observatory, IDDO)
Tuesday 17th September 2024 | 13:00-14:00 UTC

Take a Walk on the Lab Side
We discover the work and join the labs of:
Dr Miguel Angel Chávez Fumagalli (Head of the Computational Biology and Chemistry Research Group, Universidad Católica de Santa María, UCSM, Peru)
Bioinformatics applied in the development of drugs, diagnostics, and vaccines against Neglected Tropical Diseases
Dr Edward L. D'Antonio
Professor of Biochemistry & Structural Biology, Department of Natural Sciences, University of South Carolina Beaufort, USCB USA)
Novel compounds and scaffolds inhibiting important enzyme targets of pathogenic microorganisms
Thursday 16th May 2024 | REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Behaviour Change interventions for schistosomiasis elimination
On behalf of the Global Schistosomiasis Alliance:
Carlos Torres Vitolas (Senior Advisor for Research and Innovation, Unlimit Health)
Ulfat Amour Mohd (Assistant Qualitative Researcher, Public Health Laboratory-Ivo de Carneri)
Geordie Woods (Director for Behaviour/ WASH, Neglected Tropical Diseases, Sightsavers)
Thursday 25th April 2024 | REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Spotlight on noma: a Neglected Tropical Disease
Convened by ISNTD, Elysium Noma Survivors Association and Inediz
Valérie Elsig (Fondation Sentinelles)
Heron Gezahegn Gebretsadik (Associate Professor, EUCLID University)
Fidel Strub (Elysium Noma Survivors Association)
Dr Kingsley Asiedu (World Health Organization)
Dr Benoit Varenne (World Health Organization)
Thursday 18th April 2024 | REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE
Image credit: Inediz

Congenital Chagas Disease: where are the knowledge and research gaps?
Dr Marina Gold (Anthropologist & CEO Mundo Sano Foundation)
Elise Rapp (Nurse, Biologist, PhD-student in Social Sciences University of Lausanne and HESAV, HES-SO, Switzerland)
Thursday 11th April 2024 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

How increasingly public dengue data will transform research and control
Dr Oliver Brady (Associate Professor, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)
Dr Diana Rojas Alvarez (Technical Officer Arbovirus HQ/EZD, World Health Organization)
Dr Leo Bastos (Senior Researcher, Scientific Computing Program (PROCC), Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Brazil)
Thursday November 30th 2023 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Book panel: shining the spotlight on marginalised voices
The Kissing Bug: a True Story of a Family, an Insect and a Nation’s Neglected of a Deadly Disease
Daisy Hernández (Associate Professor at Northwestern University and author)
Race and Sociocultural Inclusion in Science Communication: Innovation, Decolonisation, and Transformation
Dr Elizabeth Rasekoala (African Gong, The Pan African Network for the Popularization of Science & Technology and Science Communication)
Thursday 16th November 2023, REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

A critical step towards active surveillance of neglected diseases: lessons from case detection in hard-to-reach communities
Dr Belen Dofitas (Department of Dermatology, University of the Philippines Manila - Philippine General Hospital)
How to find a forgotten disease like yaws: Lessons from the Philippine experience
Dr Adeniyi Semiyu Adetunji (Noma Children Hospital Sokoto, Nigeria)
The search for noma cases in the community
Dr Tine Huyse (Royal Museum for Central Africa, Belgium and ATRAP Project)
Snail detection and schistosomiasis
(tbc) Chagas disease and indigenous peoples
Tuesday 24th October 2023, REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

ISNTD Water 2023
Please join us for a day of discussions and presentations around updates in WASH for health, with a focus on neglected tropical diseases.
Thursday 19th October 2023, 10:30 - 16:00 UTC

Rabies, from grassroots to global goals: towards Zero by 30
Dr Frederic Lohr (Director of Strategic Partnerships, Mission Rabies)
Given Sam (Health Environmentalist, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences alumni)
Yona Yangaza (OneHealth Society, Tanzania)
Thursday 28th September 2023 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

ISNTD Café Connect: take a break and meet colleagues from around the world!
Please come and join the informal ISNTD Café Connect to meet, learn from and share with colleagues from around the world. This week, we will be taking a moment to remember Kamran Rafiq, ISNTD Co-founder and Communications Director, who sadly passed away suddenly in June 2023. We will also use this moment to build on Kamran's legacy and look to the year ahead, including some further details of the ISNTD Kamran Rafiq Science Communication Internship.
Thursday 21st September 2023, 15:30 UTC+1

Where are the samples? Biobanks for NTD research and development
On behalf of the Global Schistosomiasis Alliance:
Dr Aidan Emery (Research & Laboratory Manager, Natural History Museum, London)
Dr Sarah Nogaro (Principal Scientist Neglected Tropical Diseases, FIND)
Warren Fransman (Biobanking Lead, FIND)
Wednesday 28th June 2023 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Dengue: Sri Lanka in focus
Dr Jagath Amarasekera (Consultant Community Physician, National Dengue Control Unit, Ministry of Health Sri Lanka)
Dr Lahiru Kodituwakku (Disaster Management Focal Point Medical Officer, National Dengue
Control Unit, Ministry of Health Sri Lanka)
Prof Neelika Malavige (Head of Global Dengue Program, DNDi and Professor, Department of Immunology and Molecular Medicine, University of Sri Jayewardenepura)
Dr Dinu Guruge (Consultant for Dengue Global Program (DNDi), Regional Epidemiologist City of Colombo and Head of Epidemiology and Statistics Unit, Public Health Department Colombo Municipal Council)
Wednesday 24th May 2023 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

ISNTD Café Connect: take a break and meet colleagues from around the world!
Please come and join the informal ISNTD Café Connect to meet colleagues from around the world and share some of your own updates on your ongoing work! This week, we will be marking three years since the start of the COVID19 pandemic and the start of the ISNTD Connect series as part of our activities!
Thursday 30th March 2023

Chagas disease and Human African Trypanosomiasis drug discovery: Trypanosoma cruzi glucokinase (TcGlcK) as a potential drug target
Dr Edward D'Antonio (Associate Professor of Biochemistry & Structural Biology, University of South Carolina Beaufort)
Friday 17th March 2023 - 15:00-16:00 UTC

Lab to the field: molecular diagnostics in low resource settings with a specific focus on schistosomiasis
On behalf of the Global Schistosomiasis Alliance:
Dr Bonnie Webster (Natural History Museum, London)
Dr Andy Wende (Xpedite Diagnostics, Germany)
Dr Michael Frimpong (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases USA and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Ghana)
Thursday 9th March 2023 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Novel approaches for fighting leishmaniasis
Development of a Novel Cost-Effective Oral Amphotericin B Formulation to Treat Leishmaniasis in Vulnerable Populations
Prof Kishor M. Wasan (Co-Founder & Co-Director, Neglected Global Diseases Initiative, University of British Columbia NGDI-UBC)
Computer-aided drug design approaches applied to screen natural products for potential antileishmanial compounds
Dr. Miguel Angel Chávez Fumagalli (Head of the Computational Biology and Chemistry Research Group, Universidad Católica de Santa María, Peru)
Tuesday 28th February 2023 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

ISNTD Café Connect: take a break and meet colleagues from around the world!
This will be the last ISNTD Connect of the year, and is a chance to socialise with colleagues from around the world! Log in, cameras on and introduce yourself and your field of work in a friendly and informal meeting.
Thursday 15th December 2022
14:00-15:00 UTC

Tackling snakebite and snakebite envenoming at the community level to mitigate disability worldwide
Dr Agom D. Ibrahim (Medical doctor & founder of the Snakebite Control Network (S-CONET) Nigeria)
Moses Banda Aron (Partners In Health & Research Associate at the Bernhard Nocht Institute of Tropical Medicine, Snake Envenoming Group)
Dr Priti Meena (Nephrologist, All India Institute of Medical Sciences)
Tuesday 6th December 2022 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE
The Geshiyaro Project
Breaking the transmission of soil-transmitted helminths and schistosomiasis through WASH-NTD integration
Milkias Lakew (World Vision Ethiopia)
Endriyas Shobew (World Vision Ethiopia)
Tuesday 29th November 2022 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Tackling the global threat of invasive fungal pathogens
The WHO Fungal Priority Pathogens List
Dr Hatim Sati (Technical Officer, Antimicrobial Resistance Division, World Health Organization)
The African experience with fungal infections
Dr Rita Oladele (Associate Professor, College of Medicine, University of Lagos)
Invasive fungal infections: focus on eumycetoma
Prof Ahmed Hassan Fahal (Professor of Surgery, The Mycetoma Research Centre, University of Khartoum Sudan)
Anti-microbial resistance in fungal infections
Dr Tom Chiller (Chief, Mycotic Diseases Branch. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC)
Wednesday 23rd November 2022 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Diagnostic clinical trials for schistosomiasis: the example of freeBILy / Essais cliniques diagnostiques pour la schistosomiase: l'exemple de freeBILy
On behalf of the Global Schistosomiasis Alliance (GSA):
Govert van Dam (Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands)
Josiane Honkpehedji (Centre de Recherches Médicales de Lambaréné CERMEL, Lambaréné, Gabon)
Marie Jeannine Solonirina (Department of Microbiology & Parasitology, University of Antananarivo, Madagascar)
Monday 16th May 2022 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE
Interpretation Français / English

Photo credit: Indrias G. Kassaye / SCI Foundation
Delivering on Women's Health series - part 1
Integrating prevention of Female Genital Schistosomiasis into women’s healthcare services in Côte D’Ivoire
Dr Alain Claver Kouamin (Médecin, Chargé d'Etude, Chargé de la Chimiothérapie Préventive, Programme National de Lutte Contre les Maladies Tropicales Négligées a Chimiothérapie Preventive (PNLMTN-CP), Côte D’Ivoire)
Mr Baliadji Timite (Nurse, Soubré district, Côte d’Ivoire)
Dr Kane (Head Doctor, Soubré district, Côte d’Ivoire)
Ashley Preston (Associate Programme Advisor, SCI Foundation, UK)
Tuesday March 1st 2022 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Photo credit: Aka Aboubakhr Thierry Kouamé / SCI Foundation
Delivering on Women's Health series - part 2
The urgency and practicalities of integrating Female Genital Schistosomiasis into Women’s Health & primary care services
Prof Margaret Gyapong (Professor and Director, Centre for Health Policy and Implementation Research, University of Health and Allied Sciences, Ghana)
Delphine Pedeboy (Senior Partnerships Manager at Dimagi)
Dr Alain Claver Kouamin (Doctor and Coordinator of Preventive Chemotherapy, National Programme against Neglected Tropical Diseases with Preventive Chemotherapy, Cote D’Ivoire)
Dr Nanyangwe Siuluta (General Medical Officer, Zambart; Project Manager, Zipime Weka Schista!)
Dr Bodo S Randrianasolo (MD K'Olo Vanona, Madagascar)
Tuesday March 8th 2022 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Photo credit: A. Tao / World Health Organization
Chromoblastomycosis, sporotrichosis & mycetoma: a WHO survey of global practices of diagnosis and drug treatments for subcutaneous mycoses
Dr Daniel Agraw Dagne (World Health Organization, Department of the Control of NTDs)
Prof David Denning (Global Action For Fungal Infections, GAFFI & WHO advisor for Sporotrichosis and Chromoblastomycosis)
Prof Flavio de Queiroz Telles (Federal University of Paraná, Brazil)
Prof F Rapelanoro Rabenja (President of the Malgascar Society of Dermatology, Madagascar)
Prof Ahmed Hassan Fahal (Mycetoma Research Center, WHO Collaborating Center)
Dr Guadalupe E. Estrada-Chavez (Dermatologist, Community Dermatology Mexico)
Prof Archana Singal (Head Of Department, Dermatology, University College of Medical Sciences & GTB Hospital, New Delhi, India)
Dr Marco Schito (CURE ID Drug Repurposing Collaboratory)
Thursday 17th February 2022 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Climate sensitive infectious disease modelling tools: gaps & opportunities
Dr Anna Stewart-Ibarra (Scientific Director, Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research, IAI)
Dr Sadie J. Ryan (Emerging Pathogens Institute and Florida Climate Institute, University of Florida)
Bilal Mateen (Senior Manager, Digital Technology, Wellcome Trust Data for Science and Health)
Dr Madeleine Thomson (Head of Impacts, Wellcome Trust Climate and Health Challenge)
Thursday 10th February 2022 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Towards more human-centred healthcare
Dr Talya Porat and Dr Weston Baxter
Dyson School of Design Engineering
Imperial College London
Thursday 3rd February 2022 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

World NTD Day: Bridging diagnostic gaps to defeat NTDs
FIND, the global alliance for diagnostics and the International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases (ISNTD) invite a panel of experts to discuss and share insights on:
• The needs for innovative NTD diagnostics
• The NTD diagnostic landscape and the critical R&D and access gaps to address
• How innovation and collaboration can bring us closer to our common goal
Dr Marta Fernández Suárez, Chief Technology Officer, FIND
Dr Dirk Engels, Senior Advisor, Uniting to Combat NTDs
Dr Daniel Argaw Dagne, Unit Head, Prevention, Treatment and Care, NTD Control
Department, WHO
Dr Laurent Fraisse, Research & Development Director, DNDi Biography
Dr Debbie Vermeij, Project Director CUIDA Chagas, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz)
Tuesday 25th January 2022
13:30-14:45 UTC

World NTD Day: ISNTD Café Connect, take a break and meet colleagues from around the world!
Please join our Café Connect to share your journey and experience in NTDs in the past decade and into the next, on the occasion of the World NTD Day 2022 and the 10th anniversary of the London Declaration on NTDs.
Tuesday 25th January 2022
15:00-16:00 UTC

Experience of a Collaborative Project to Increase Access to Testing and Treatment for Chagas Disease in Colombia
Dr Colin Forsyth (Chagas Research and Project Manager, Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative)
Thursday 20th January 2022 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Meet the Author: “A Tale of a Man, a Worm and a Snail”
Prof Alan Fenwick OBE
Founder of the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative (SCI)
Professor Emeritus of Tropical Parasitology, Imperial College London
Thursday 13th January 2022 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

ISNTD Café Connect: take a break and meet colleagues from around the world!
This will be the last ISNTD Connect of the year, and is a chance to socialise with colleagues from around the world! Log in, cameras on and introduce yourself and your field of work in a friendly and informal meeting.
Thursday 16th December 2021
14:00-15:00 UTC

Citizen science and snail-borne diseases in Uganda: boosting data collection and empowering communities
Drs Julius Tumusiime (Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda)
Drs Mercy Gloria Ashepet (Royal Museum for Central Africa/KULeuven, Belgium)
Dr Tine Huyse (Royal Museum for Central Africa, Belgium)
Bahungirehe Cruzestom (Citizen scientist, Uganda)
Thursday 9th December 2021 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

What’s in the pipeline for mycetoma? Open science for new diagnostics & treatment
Dr Wendy van de Sande (Erasmus MC)
Prof Matthew Todd (University College London School of Pharmacy)
Prof Ed Zijlstra (Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative, DNDi)
Thursday 25th November 2021 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Schistosomiasis in the Philippines: the struggle never stops
Dr Lydia R. Leonardo (Prof Emeritus, University of the Philippines / Director Office of Research Coordination, University of the East / The Philippine Department of Health)
Dr Mario Antonio Jiz II (Head, Immunology Department, Research Institute for Tropical Medicine)
Dr Ian Kendrich C. Fontanilla (Institute of Biology, University of the Philippines)
Tuesday 23rd November 2021 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Adventures in R and Predictive Artificial Intelligence for NTDs & Global Health
Dr Paula Moraga (Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Science and Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)
Dr Lucy Okell (School of Public Health, Imperial College London and Digital Diagnostics for Africa Network)
Darlington Akogo (minoHealth AI Labs & Digital Diagnostics for Africa Network)
Monday 22nd November 2021 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

On the occasion of COP26:
Focus on climate change & neglected diseases
Rachel Tidman (OIE, World Organisation for Animal Health)
Dr Rachel Lowe (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Centre on Climate Change & Planetary Health)
Dr Mark Booth (University of Newcastle)
Maximillian Godwin (Head of SADC Youth Task Force on NTDs)
Aloyce Urassa (ALMA Youth Advisory Council Chairperson)
Thursday 11th November 2021 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE
A framework for scabies control
Dr. Michael Marks (Vice-Chair International Alliance for the Control of Scabies; Associate Professor, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; Honorary Consultant, Hospital for Tropical Diseases, UCLH London)
Thursday 14th October 2021 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Accelerating development of diagnostics for NTDs: a virtual biobank to alleviate a critical bottleneck in test development and stimulate collaboration
Prof Joseph Ndung’u (Executive Director, FIND Kenya)
Dominic Allen (DxConnect Virtual Biobank Project Lead, FIND)
Dr Aubrey Cunnington (Digital Diagnostics for Africa Network & Imperial College London)
Thursday 7th October 2021 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

It’s viral: lessons from social media and vaccine hesitancy
Prof Heidi J. Larson (Founding Director, Vaccine Confidence Project, LSHTM and Advisory Council, Vaccine Confidence Fund)
Dr Shaffi Fazaludeen Koya (Global Institute of Public Health, Kerala, India and Boston University School of Public Health)
Prof Charles Shey Wiysonge (Director of Cochrane South Africa and South African Medical Research Council)
Dr Steven Lloyd Wilson (Brandeis University and Digital Society Project)
Tuesday 28th September 2021 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Biological control of schistosomiasis: potential, evidence and the way forward
Prof Giulio de Leo (Senior Fellow, Woods Institute for the Environment)
Dr Susanne Sokolow (Executive Director, Stanford Program for Disease Ecology, Health and the Environment)
Dr Nana Rose Diakité (Laboratoire de Biologie et Santé, Université Félix Houphouët Boigny, Côte d'Ivoire)
Tuesday 14th September 2021 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Developing New Diagnostics for Neglected Tropical Diseases with the Community and Key Stakeholder
Prof Salome Bukachi (Institute of Anthropology, Gender and Africa Studies, University of Nairobi)
Laura Donovan (Senior Research Officer, Malaria Consortium)
Tuesday 27th July 2021 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Digital diagnostics technology to transform healthcare delivery in Africa
Dr Francis Krampa (West African Centre for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens, WACCBIP, University of Ghana)
Dr Nicolas Moser (Research Associate, Centre of Bio-Inspired Technology, Imperial College London)
Thursday 1st July 2021 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

The rat lungworm, a One Health puzzle
Dr. Claudia Paredes Esquivel (Laboratory of Zoology. Department of Biology, University of the Balearic Islands)
Thursday 3rd June 2021 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Nutrition & malaria: an integrated approach for effective case management
Ms Amita Chebbi (Senior Director, Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance - Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network, APLMA-APMEN)
Dr Lola Dare (Board Member of the RBM Partnership to End Malaria, President of CHESTRAD
Global Development Synergies)
Dr Roland Kupka (Regional Nutrition Adviser, UNICEF East Asia & Pacific Regional Office)
Friday 28 May 2021 (World Nutrition Day) - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

The role of vaccines in the elimination of schistosomiasis
Prof Robert Bergquist (Swiss TPH and Editor-in-Chief Geospatial Health)
Dr Klodeta Kura (NTD Modelling Consortium / Imperial College London / London Centre of Neglected Tropical Disease Research)
Dr Benjamin Collyer (Imperial College London)
Tuesday 18th May 2021 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Another dengue fever outbreak in Eastern Ethiopia: an emerging public health threat
Mulugeta Asefa Gutu (Ethiopian Public Health Institute)
Ryan E. Tokarz (Centers for Disease Control Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
Thursday 6th May 2021 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE
Comparative dissection of the peripheral olfactory system of Chagas disease vectors
Florencia Campetella
Research Group Olfactory Coding, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology
Thursday 29th April 2021 - 13:00-14:00 UTC - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Zero Malaria Starts with Prevention
Dr Beatrice Greco (Head of R&D and Access, Global Health Institute, Merck) - As One Against Malaria - REPLAY
Daniel Oppong (Managing Director, LivFul Africa) - Malaria Prevention Strategies: are we doing enough? - REPLAY
Prof Isaac Quaye (President, Pan African Ovale and Vivax Network (PAVON), Regent University, Ghana) - P. vivax emergence in Africa: a ticking time bomb? - REPLAY
Prof Abraham Anang (Director Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, Ghana) - Healthcare system strengthening through capacity building - REPLAY

Sustainable supply chains and the SDGs
Pauline Potter (Supply Chain & Sustainability Expert, Efficio Consulting) - Delivering sustainability ambitions through procurement - replay available here
Didier Dayen (Senior Director Global Advanced Planning & Centre of Expertise, Supply Network Operations, Global Healthcare Operations, Merck) - Sustainable Supply Chains - replay available here
Elizabeth Amuli (Programs Specialist Tanzania, Business for Health Solutions) - Increasing healthcare access in Africa by building local private sector supply chain, replay available here
Michelle Seidel (Senior Advisor Immunization & Team Lead Immunization Supply Chain, UNICEF) - Supply Chain Strengthening - replay available here
Thursday 15th April 2021 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Schistosomiasis in Malawi: future control isn’t quite like it used to be
On behalf of the Global Schistosomiasis Alliance:
Dr Sekeleghe Kayuni (Department of Tropical Disease Biology, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, and Medical Aid Society of Malawi (MASM)
Dr Lazarus Juziwelo (National Programme Manager for Schistosomiasis and STH, Ministry of Health Malawi)
Dr Janelisa Musaya (Associate Professor, University of Malawi and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme (MLW)
Prof Russell Stothard (Professor of Medical Parasitology, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine)
Wednesday 7th April 2021 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Point-of-care infrared thermal imaging in snakebites
Dr Tamilarasu Kadhiravan
Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Puducherry, India
Tuesday 16th March 2021 - 14:00-15:00 UTC

Introducing the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Youth Task Force on Neglected Tropical Diseases
- Maximillian Godwin (Head of SADC Youth Task Force on NTDs) - Unpacking the SADC Youth Task Force on NTDs
- Bora Kaumba (SADC Youth Parliament Co-Chair) - The 2nd SADC Youth Forum Declaration & its recommendations on NTDs
- Misheck Gondo (SADC Youth Forum, SAYoF-SADC, Regional Coordinator) - The Role of Young People in Fighting NTDs
Thursday 11th March 2021 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Panel event on International Women's Day 2021:
#ChooseToChallenge inequity in NTD research: why we need more African women in NTD research and what we can do about it
Ms Mariam Otmani Del Barrio (Scientist Lead on Gender Research at the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, TDR, Geneva, Switzerland)
Prof Margaret Gyapong (Professor and Director of the Institute for Health Research at the University of Health and Allied Sciences, Ghana)
Dr May Sule (Senior Research Associate in Water Quality, Climate and Health, at University of Oxford & Imperial College London, UK)
Dr Stella Kepha (Research Scientist at Eastern and Southern Africa Centre of International Parasite Control, Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kenya)
Ms Chinenye Afonne (PhD student and TDR Fellow at the University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana and Field Manager at the Epidemiology and Biostatistics Research Unit, IAMRAT, University of Ibadan, Nigeria)
Dr Mwelecele Ntuli Malecela (Director of the Department of Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases of the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland)
Monday 8th March 2021, REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Noma: a disease which shouldn't exist anymore
Online conference, Thursday 11th February 2021, REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Nodding syndrome and onchocerciasis-associated epilepsy can be stopped
Pr. Robert Colebunders (Global Health Institute, University of Antwerp)
Thursday 4th February 2021, REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

As part of the World NTD Day 2021 celebrations:
Access to schistosomiasis innovation: the next frontier to reach elimination by 2030
- Dr. Beatrice Greco (Head of R&D and Access, Global Health Institute, Merck): "Merck Schistosomiasis Elimination platform: Integrated approach to support Elimination" - REPLAY
- Dr. Sarah Nogaro (Senior Scientific Officer, NTDs, FIND): "A schistosomiasis rapid diagnostic test to support control programs in monitoring treatment impact and reassessment mapping" - REPLAY
- Dr. Lieven Stuyver (Senior Scientific Director, Global Public Health R&D, Johnson & Johnson): "Partnering to Leverage Artificial Intelligence-Driven Digital Pathology to Strengthen Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis and Schistosomiasis Control Programs" - REPLAY
- Dr. Beatrice Greco (Head of R&D and Access, Global Health Institute, Merck): "Access to upcoming schistosomiasis innovations: a path to be created" - REPLAY

Vaccine misinformation: guidance for addressing a global infodemic and fostering demand for immunization
Angus Thomson (UNICEF, Senior Social Scientist: Demand for Immunization)
Tuesday 19th January 2021 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Health Technologies for Neglected Tropical Diseases: Accelerating Research & Development for Impact
Dr. Hayato Urabe (GHIT Fund, Senior Director, Investment Strategy, Portfolio Development & Innovations)
Isaac Chikwanha (GHIT Fund, Senior Director, Investment Strategy, Access & Delivery)
Thursday 17th December 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Hand Hygiene for All
Janita Bartell (WASH Specialist, UNICEF)
Dr. Nebe Obiageli (Coordinator of the National Deworming Programme, Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria)
Yael Velleman (Director of Policy and Communications, SCI Foundation)
Thursday 10th December 2020 - 15:00-16:30 UTC

Ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic: the impact of tackling Female Genital Schistosomiasis
On behalf of the Global Schistosomiasis Alliance:
Pr. Margaret Gyapong (Director of the Institute of Health Research, University of Health and Allied Sciences, Ghana)
Dr. Amaya Bustinduy (Associate Professor in Tropical Pediatrics, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)
Tuesday 1st December 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Disease management, disability and inclusion: why disability inclusion is critical to achieving NTD road map targets
Dr. Wim van Brakel (Chair NNN Disease Management, Disability and Inclusion Working Group and Medical Director, NLR)
Dr. Martin Kollmann (Senior Advisor for Neglected Tropical Diseases, CBM International)
Dr. Nand Lal Bastola (Deputy Director, NLR Nepal)
Pr. Hannah Kuper (Director of the International Centre for Evidence in Disability, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK)
Mrs. Mangala Dhondge (Deputy Programme Manager, The Leprosy Mission Trust India)
Thursday 3rd December 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Introduction of Mycobacterium ulcerans disease in the Bankim Health District of Cameroon follows damming of the Mapé River
Dr. Koen Vandelannoote (Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, University of Melbourne)
Tuesday 17th November 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

The post-Genomic era of Neglected Tropical Diseases
Dr. Gabriel Rinaldi (Parasite Genomics, Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK)
Thursday 12th November 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Celebrating the UNESCO World Science Day and on behalf of the Global Schistosomiasis Alliance:
New pediatric treatment to fill gaps towards the elimination of schistosomiasis: a scientific journey for and with society
Dr. Maurice Odiere (Head, Neglected Tropical Diseases Unit, Kenya Medical Research Institute, KEMRI)
Dr. Jutta Reinhard-Rupp (Head, Global Health Institute, Merck)
Dr. Remco de Vrueh (Senior Program Manager & Portfolio Lead Global Health, Lygature)
Tuesday 10th November 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

‘Tiny targets’ and the community-based control of tsetse in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Catiane Vander Kelen (Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium)
Thursday October 22nd 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

World Sight Day 2020: Progress and lessons learned from trachoma
Angelia Sanders (International Coalition for Trachoma Control, ICTC, Vice Chair)
Aparna Barua Adams (International Coalition for Trachoma Control, ICTC, Project Manager)
Thursday 8th October 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Snails and schistosomiasis: integrated control in Côte d'Ivoire
On behalf of the Global Schistosomiasis Alliance:
Dr. Fiona Allan (Postdoctoral Researcher, Wellcome SCAN, Natural History Museum London) and Dr. Yves-Nathan Tian-Bi (Associate-Professor at University Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Côte d'Ivoire)
Tuesday October 6th 2020

Celebrating World Rabies Day
Final Rabies Generation
Frédéric Lohr (Director of Strategic Partnerships, Mission Rabies)
Rabies zero by 2030: will it become a dream come true?
Dr. Waqas Ahmad (Assistant Professor, Epidemiology & Public Health, KBCMA University College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Narowal, Pakistan)
Monday September 28th 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Dengue Side Event to mark the 75th UN General Assembly
Vector control & WASH in the age of COVID19
Vaccine hesitancy, dengue & the case for rebuilding trust
Driving innovation within vector control
Climate change: impact to dengue
Thursday September 24th 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Control and elimination of schistosomiasis in Cameroon: introducing the Roadmap towards 2030
Pr. Louis-Albert Tchuem Tchuenté (Professor of Parasitology at the University of Yaoundé I
and NTD Advocate, on behalf of the Global Schistosomiasis Alliance)
Thursday September 3rd 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Rethinking WASH for the control and elimination of schistosomiasis
Yael Velleman (Director of Policy and Communications, SCI Foundation, on behalf of the Global Schistosomiasis Alliance)
Gilbert Baayenda (Trachoma Program Officer & NTD/WASH Collaboration focal point at the Vector Borne and Neglected Tropical Diseases Division, Ministry of Health, Uganda)
Thursday August 6th 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

The role of youths in ending the neglect
Maximillian Godwin (Southern African Development Community Youth Forum Health Committee & Youth Combating NTDs)
Thursday July 23rd 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Climate change - helping or hindering NTD elimination?
Dr. Mark Booth (Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University, on behalf of the Global Schistosomiasis Alliance)
Thursday July 2nd 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Fueling the NTD Roadmap: How Unprecedented Capital, Attention, and Timelines are Transforming Biopharma R&D
Jami Taylor (Corporate Communications and Strategy, Reata Pharmaceuticals)
Tuesday June 23rd 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Café Connect
Bring a drink and share & learn with colleagues from around the world!
Thursday June 25th 2020, 15:15-16:15 UTC

Capturing case reports to optimize treatments and advance research in the NTD and COVID space and beyond - FULL SESSION REPLAY HERE
- Dr. Nathalie Strub-Wourgaft (DNDi): "Drug repurposing for NTDs and COVID19" - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE
- Heather Stone (US Food & Drug Administration): "An introduction to CURE ID, utility and applicability in the NTD and COVID space" - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE
- Tiziana Masini (WHO NTD): "CURE ID for NTDs: Results of an extensive landscape analysis to identify priority disease areas" - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE
Thursday June 18th 2020

From regional action to global cooperation in dengue: celebrating dengue partnerships worldwide on ASEAN Dengue Day
- Amos Watentena (University of Nigeria): Reemergence of dengue - REPLAY
- Dr. Rachel Lowe (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine): Climate change and dengue - REPLAY
- Pr. Scott O'Neill (Monash University): Tackling dengue with wolbachia - REPLAY
Monday June 15th 2020

Cystic echinococcosis in the Eastern Mediterranean region: neglected and prevailing
Pr. Majid Fasihi Harandi (Research Center for Hydatid Disease in Iran, School of Medicine, Kerman University of Medical Sciences)
Thursday June 11th 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Drug discovery and future development of medicines against visceral leishmaniasis: lessons learned from the Synergy European projects platform & new actions
Pr. Maria Paola Costi (Drug Discovery & Biotechnology Lab, University of Modena & Reggio Emilia UNIMORE)
Tuesday June 9th 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Where can a 50-year career in schistosomiasis take you geographically and scientifically?
Dr. Dan Colley (Professor Emeritus of Microbiology at UGA) & Dr. Goylette Chami (Nuffield Department of Population Health at the University of Oxford)
Thursday June 4th 2020, REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

When can one vaccinate with a live vaccine after wild-type dengue infection?
Dr. Bruno Guy (Independent Consultant & Training in Biology (Immunology/Microbiology) and Vaccinology)
Tuesday June 2nd 2020

Noma & the face of poverty: tackling a devastating disease
Dr. Mark Sherlock (Medecins Sans Frontieres)
Thursday May 28th 2020, REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

From stats to stories: how to film and convey complex issues in global health
Stephen Maud (Cloud9Media)
Tuesday May 26th 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Investing in the future changemakers: the Nigerian experience
Cassandra Akinde (The Neo Child Initiative)
Thursday May 21st 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Anti-leishmania drugs and skin microbiota in cutaneous leishmaniasis patients
Dr. Alvaro Acosta-Serrano (Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine)
Tuesday May 19th 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

The current state of snakebite care in Kenya, Uganda and Zambia: healthcare workers’ perspectives and knowledge, and health facilities’ treatment capacity
Gaby Ooms (Research Manager, Health Action International)
Benjamin Waldmann (Snakebite Project Manager, Health Action International)
Thursday May 14th 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Lessons from dengue control in Pakistan
Dr. Somia Iqtadar (King Edward Medical University & chairperson of the Dengue Expert Advisory Group, Pakistan)
Tuesday May 12th 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

COVID-19 and dengue fever: managing COVID-19 in Singapore and the threat of false-positive dengue serology cases
Dr. Gabriel Yan (Infectious Diseases Associate Consultant at the National University Health System, Singapore)
Thursday March 26th 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Global open-source cooperation in vectors & vector-borne diseases
Dr. Frederik Seelig (The Global Vector Hub & London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)
Tuesday March 31st 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Molecular surveillance of Neglected Tropical Diseases in the time of corona
Pr. Jean-Claude Dujardin (Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp)
Thursday April 2nd 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Neglected diseases of neglected populations: the importance of fungal infections for public health
Dr. Marcio Lourenço Rodrigues (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Fiocruz)
Thursday April 9th 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

A WHO NTD Roadmap towards 2030: through a pandemic and beyond
Dr. Mwele Malecela (World Health Organisation, Department of NTD Control)
Tuesday April 14th 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Accelerating clinical research relevant to LMICs: lessons from Neglected Tropical Diseases for COVID19 - FULL PANEL REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE
Pr. Philippe Guérin (Director of the Infectious Diseases Data Observatory, IDDO) - REPLAY HERE
Dr. Suman Rijal (Director of DNDi Regional Office India) - REPLAY HERE
Dr. Nathalie Strub-Wourgaft (Director of Neglected Tropical Diseases, DNDi) - REPLAY HERE

An inter-laboratory trial as a tool to increase rabies diagnostic capabilities of Sub-Saharan African Veterinary laboratories
Dr. Morgane Gourlaouen (FAO and National Reference Centre for Rabies, OIE Collaborating Centre for Diseases at the Animal-Human Interface, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie)
Tuesday April 21st 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

World Malaria Day & MMV: developing antimalarials to save lives
Dr. James Duffy (Medicines for Malaria Venture, Director of Drug Discovery Research & Development)
Friday April 24th 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Handwashing in disease control, panel - FULL REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE
Pr. Miryam Wahrman (Professor of Biology, William Paterson University, and author "The Hand Book: Surviving in a Germ Filled World) - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE
Dr. Maryann Delea (Epidemiologist, The Carter Centre, "Development and reliability of a quantitative personal hygiene assessment tool") - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE
Lizette Burgers (Senior WASH Advisor, UNICEF, "Handwashing & COVID19") - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE
Tuesday April 28th 2020

Schistosomiasis treatment gaps hinder elimination efforts: a current perspective
Derick Nii Mensah Osakunor (University of Edinburgh, on behalf of Global Schistosomiasis Alliance)
Thursday April 30th 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Integrated approach in the control and management of skin neglected tropical diseases: experience from Côte d’Ivoire and Benin
Dr. Yves Barogui (Centre Inter Facultaire de Formation et de Recherche en Environnement pour le Développement Durable, Université d’Abomey Calavi, Bénin)
Dr. Aboa Paul Koffi (Programme National de Lutte contre l’Ulcère de Buruli, Abidjan, and Ministry of Health, Côte d’Ivoire)
Tuesday May 5th 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE

Funding ideas to change the world: the ASCEND Fund
Amy Clark (Sightsavers)
Gemma Brady (Accenture Development Partnerships)
Thursday May 7th 2020 - REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE
The International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases