Help Our Global Movement To Fight Dengue
Sign our petition to help make World Dengue Day a reality. The more attention we give to dengue fever, the more power we can build to combat it.
Sign the Global petition to make World Dengue Day an official day of awareness

Dengue deserves attention
Dengue is the fastest growing mosquito-borne disease on earth – nearly half the world’s population are at risk from it.
Yet many people have never heard of dengue, and its burden is poorly understood. Isn’t it time that a disease of this magnitude gathered global recognition?
In several Asian and Latin American countries, severe dengue is a leading cause of illness and death amongst children. Not only can the disease lead to fatal complications, but the costs of hospitalisation and treatment are having huge socioeconomic implications worldwide, adding to the cycle of poverty and inequality in many communities.

The power of sharing
At the ISNTD We,have joined forces with Break Dengue to form ‘Global Dengue Voice’ an internationaldriving force for change. Our mission is to reduce the global burden of dengue, and we are leading with our Open Letter to the United Nations General Assembly petitioning for a World Dengue Day.
This letter will be presented at the 74th UNGA on September 17-30th 2019 in New York. Help the world drive change by sharing the letter with your Member of Parliament and WHO country representative.
You can read it here. Help the world drive change by sharing the letter with your Member of Parliament and WHO country representative. You can also help by sharing any dengue research you’ve been part of here ->

Help our global movement to fight Dengue
We truly believe that the establishment of World Dengue Day will create a platform for attention and action against dengue, helping to change the future impact of the disease and how it is spread.
Together we have the power to make this day of recognition a reality. It’s as simple as signing the petition, sending the Open Letter and sharing your opinion and more across your professional networks.
The International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases