Panel Discussion: Trends in philanthropy for NTDs & global health
Panel Discussion: East Asia & NTDs: Philanthropy, Development Finance & Programmes
Panel Discussion: Innovative & Venture Philanthropy - Cryptocurrency, Social and Venture Philant
Dr.Julie Jacobson (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) NTD Funding & Philanthropy
Dr. Martina Gliber (Fondation Merieux): An integrated approach
Michelle Joanisse (DNDi) Trends in NTD Funding & Philanthropy
Sarah Marchal Murray (The END Fund) Mobilizing & deployed resources for NTD Control
Dr. Neeraj Mistry (Global Network for NTDs) Philanthropy's role in the evolving fight against NT
Raf Goovaerts (LGT Venture Philanthropy) : Innovative & Venture Philanthropy
Prof. Stephen Chan OBE - SOAS University of London